Friday, August 22, 2008

The Gospel According to a Three-Year-Old

Today after picking Harris up from school, we went to get the boys' hair cut. They were way past needing it. I don't normally go with them, because my father-in-law always takes them. It's a treat the boys always look forward to. I was with them today because we went straight after picking Harris up from school and eating lunch.
David went first today. I could hear his sweet voice, but wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying until I heard, "But I'll miss my house when I get to Heaven." It cracked me up. I am so glad he couldn't see me, because I try hard not to laugh when they are saying something very serious to them but hilarious to me. I decided I should listen a little closer. The rest of what I heard went something like this. (I never heard Mr. Linn respond. He wasn't talking as loudly as David was.) "Do you know how to get to Heaven? You have to believe in the Cross that Jesus died on. I have Jesus in my heart." He was witnessing to this man cutting his hair!!!! How adorable and amazing!! I was so proud and so convicted. I am not nearly as quick to share the Gospel as I should be, but I was just like David when I was little. I witnessed to everyone I saw.

Lord, help not to be ashamed of the Gospel, "for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes." Help me to see the divine appointments you set for me, and give me the courage to speak boldly of you. Just as I speak about my husband or kids to anyone and everyone who will listen, give me the same kind of passion when it comes to speaking about you. And please don't let David lose that boldness he had today when talking about You. To God be the Glory. Amen.


Poet4Him77 said...

That's so amazing and sweet at the same time. We all get so caught up with things that we forget to stop and invite others to Heaven too. I try to let my speech always be encouraging, but it's hard sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Loved it, Jennifer! Thanks for sharing on my blog and pointing me to this. Amazing...